A Robust Portfolio of Prototype Assays

Product Overview

The NTK offers a portfolio of exploratory prototype assays designed to generate high quality, comparable clinical biomarker data across academic and industry cohorts. The NTK assays can be run on the fully automated Cobas® platform in four NTK qualified labs. This ensures that high quality, reproducible data can be compared with multiple datasets - maximizing how results can be interpreted. This clarifies the clinical utility of biomarkers, how they can be used in clinical trials, and ultimately which biomarkers warrant further development for use in routine clinical practice.

*The NTK is only for basic research or the initial search for potential clinical utility. The measurements must not be used to make any medical decisions.

NTK Panel

NTK assays are currently offered for cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and/or blood

The NTK portfolio is measured in four measurement sites

The power of Elecsys® in Alzheimer's disease

Robust and accurate biomarker tests to solve clinical questions

  • Elecsys® assays achieve highly accurate and precise results across all Cobas® platforms, with the precision being confirmed in the Alzheimer's Association Quality Control (AAQC) program;
  • Elecsys® assays show robust reagent and calibration stability.

To learn more about the Power of Elecsys, please click here.

Cobas, Cobas E and Elecsys are trademarks of Roche